我们的心理健康与身体健康同样重要。 但是我们知道有些内心的努力很难被看到。
我们已经为世界精神卫生日(10月10日)设计了一系列振动筛,其设计正是出于这一考虑-每个振动筛都代表着积极,镇定,力量或活力。 共享的问题减半。 因此,我们将向出售给英国Mental Health的每台振动筛捐赠2.50英镑,以使他们能够为更多受到精神健康问题影响的人提供支持。
我们很自豪能够为您的健身之旅提供全程支持。 但是,除了您的身体旅行外,我们还希望提供更多支持,这就是我们与英国心理健康局合作的原因,以便我们也可以为您的心理健康提供支持。
英国心理健康局直接支持那些受到心理健康问题影响的人,但同时也与支持小组合作,以帮助那些遭受心理健康困扰的人的朋友和家人,以及更广泛的社区和工作场所组织 。
It’s important to look after yourself, but sometimes we don’t have all the answers.
So, we’ve answered a few questions that you may have around mental health.
1 in 4 of us have experienced a mental health problem throughout their life (Source: World Health Report, WHO, Geneva, 2001).
This is why it is becoming more important to ensure that you open up and reach out to others if you have a concern around mental health, as there is a chance that someone you know might be experiencing similar concerns and worries.
The most important thing is to talk to someone you trust. Whether that's a friend, someone in your family, a colleague, a GP, or a support line.
It may be helpful to find out a little information about what you are experiencing. This may help you to get some perspective on what you are experiencing, and be the start of getting help.
It all depends on the relationship you have with this person. A great place to start is to show your support and let them know they can talk to you if they need. Or, gently encourage them to seek appropriate support.
- Keep in touch, talk about your feelings and ask for help - There’s nothing better than catching up with someone face to face and checking in with each other on how you’re doing and feeling, but that’s not always possible.
So, make sure to keep in contact with your friends, family, or colleagues — Try giving them a call, send an email or a note, or chat with them online.
Try to keep the lines of communication open especially if you feel like you’re struggling — Talking about your feelings can help you stay in good mental health as well as making it easier to ask for help if you need it.
There are local services there to help you if you feel like you can’t open up to either friends or family.
- Keep active - Regular exercise can be a significant benefit to your mental health as it keeps all your vital organs, including your brain healthy. Exercise also can help as it can help you sleep, concentrate during the day, and boost your self-esteem — making you feel better.
- Eat well - Just like all the other organs in your body, your brain needs a healthy, balanced diet to get the mix of nutrients it needs to function and stay healthy. Always try to remember that a diet that is good for your physical health is also good for your mental health.
- Drink alcohol responsibly - We may often drink alcohol for different reasons, to celebrate, when catching up with friends. But some of us drink to change our mood or when dealing with fear or loneliness, but the effect is only temporary and not a good way to manage your feelings.
When the drink wears off, you feel worse because of the way the alcohol has affected your brain and the rest of your body.
- Take a break - Whether it’s a five-minute pause from cleaning your kitchen, taking yourself out for a walk, or a weekend exploring somewhere new. We all need some time to de-stress and have a bit of ‘me time’.
- Do something you enjoy - We all have something that we love doing. Or have activities we could lose ourselves in. Or maybe there’s something you used to love doing in the past?
Whatever it is, enjoying yourself can help beat stress. Also, if you enjoy it there’s a high chance you’re good at it, and achieving something boosts your self-esteem.
- Accept who you are - We know this one can be easier said than done. So, we want to remind you that we’re all different. There’s no-one else out there who’s like you. You’re unique. And, it’s much healthier to accept who you are than to wish you were more like someone else.
Feeling good about yourself boosts your confidence to learn new skills, visit new places and make new friends. Good self-esteem helps you cope when life takes a difficult turn.
· Stay connected with friends and family.
· Stay as active as you can and eat healthy, balanced meals.
· Anticipate that it may be a difficult time and practice stress management techniques.
· Try not to worry or jump to any assumptions about the pandemic and ensure that any information you find comes from reputable sources.
The Mental Health Hub
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